ENVIROCONSULT is a consultancy, research and capacity-strengthening firm focused on disaster risk management, climate change, environmental, socio-economic and sustainable development


ENVIROCONSULT, though locally registered, is global in nature and approach and provides technical and practical support to governments, international organisations private sector companies, as well as Non-Governmental Organisations, through its in-house capacity and its strong national and regional network of expert-consultants. ENVIROCONSULT is a Malawi owned and registered company. The firm was registered on 21st January 2000 under certificate No. 50620.

ENVIROCONSULT has a multi-disciplinary team of expert consultants trained in environmental and social impacts assessments, disaster risk management, climate change, vulnerability & resilience assessments, hazard mapping, GIS & remote sensing, flood and drought mapping and assessments, monitoring and evaluation, water resource assessments, mineral exploration, oil and gas exploration, geological mapping, mining law and policy, public health and other social sciences disciplines.


ENVIROCONSULT offers a range of short courses and certificates to enable practitioners to obtain hands-on training in the above areas. Evidence-based capacity strengthening remains one of the key requirements to build resilient and sustainable societies. The company has developed trainings for practitioners, decision and policy makers. ENVIROCONSULT aims at assisting governments, organizations and companies, both local and international in achieving the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs), 2015-2030.

ENVIROCONSULT seeks to provide competitive, cost ¬effective solutions to meet our Clients’ requirements. Our planning is aimed at completing contracts on time and within budget while maintaining the highest quality standards.


To become a vibrant company that promotes training, research, Consultancy and Outreach in Environment, Socio-economic, Earth and Climate Sciences.


To coordinate, facilitate and promote the participation of all stakeholders in training and research in Environment, Socio-economic, Earth and Climate Sciences.


The philosophy of ENVIROCONSULT is based on close working relationships with our clients and prospective clients. We emphasize an open and continuous dialogue with our Clients in order to jointly reach the best solutions possible.

This allows us to thoroughly understand client requirements, problems and needs. Using the client specific information, our experience, expertise and available resources we are able to give recommendations and solutions that solve the existing problems, prevent potential or future ones and establish mechanisms for organizational sustainability. To ensure client success in implementing our solutions and recommendations, ENVIROCONSULT remains available to clients for further assistance.


Professionalism: We conduct ourselves in a manner that emphasizes our professional principles and standards. 
Integrity: We always uphold high ethical and moral principles.
Commitment: We are committed to excellence in all our undertakings.
Competitiveness: We shall always endeavor to be a step ahead over other consultancy companies in Malawi
Openness to diversity: We respect and value other people’s views
Entrepreneurship: We are always business minded in our activities.
Innovation: We shall always promote “Thinking Outside the Box”


ENVIROCONSULT has a team with capacity and experience to provide services in form of training design and delivery, research, evaluations, assessments, reviews, programme or project design, proof-reading and editing and support towards project implementation spanning a wide range of areas, including:

  • Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
  • Health Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Auditing
  • Gender Studies
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Environmental Management
  • Natural Resource Assessment
  • Cultural and Heritage Impact Assessment
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • GIS and Remote sensing
  • Climate Change Management
  • Sustainable/Renewable Energy Systems
  • Curriculum Formulation and Review
  • Short courses
  • Water quality and quantity
  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Disaster Risk Management (including strong winds, Cyclones, lighting
  • Hazard mapping
  • Flood and Drought Assessment
  • Vulnerability & Resilience Assessment
  • Urban and Rural Development
  • Urban Disaster Risk Management
  • Mining Governance
  • Gender and Reproductive Health
  • Population and Development
    Policy Formulation and Evaluation
  • Geology, mineral exploration, Geological Mapping, Mining, Oil and Gas
  • Ground water exploration
  • Bore hole drilling & Installation
  • Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
  • Sanitation Studies


ENVIROCONSULT is a firm whose members have vast experience at both national and international level. Selected projects carried out by DIRECTORS and Staff Members of ENVIROCONSULT in Environmental Social Impact Assessments and other assignments are listed in the box below:

  1. Community mapping exercises in Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Mulanje and Thyolo districts. Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project (MFERP), Ministry Of Finance, Economic Planning and Development. Funded by World Bank, 2019
  2. Consultancy Services for Building MASDAP Technical Capacity, Awareness Campaigns and GIS Training. Malawi Floods Emergency Recovery Project (MFERP), Ministry Of Finance, Economic Planning and Development. Funded by World Bank, 2019
  3. Development and Implementation of Community Engagement and Resilience Toolkits. Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM). Funded by UNICEF, 2019-2020
  4. Flood mapping of Lilongwe City 2018
  5. Vulnerability and Resilience of Karonga Floods and Earthquakes 2018
  6. Lightning map of Malawi 2018
  7. Lightning fatalities in Malawi 2018
  8. Feasibility study of the Stabilisation of the Course of the Songwe River, Governments of Malawi/Tanzania. Norplan Consultant. 2001 to 2003
  9. Flood Modelling in Salima District
  1. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Proposed Mpatamanga Hydropower Project. 2016 – 2017
  2. EIA for the Shire River Flow Augmentation Project. 2000
  3. Environmental Social & Health Impact Assessment of the proposed Fufu Hydropower Project 2015-2017
  4. Detailed Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) to the 400 kV Backbone Overhead Line in Malawi 2017 to 2018
  1. Biotic Monitoring and Elaboration of the Book ‘Trees and Animals of the Nacala Corridor. Contracted by Vale Logistics Limited (VLL) and Central East African Railways (CEAR). September 2018 to September 2019
  2. Environmental & Social Impact Assessment  and Resettlement Action Plan for the Construction of Likuni to Malingunde Road, Subcontracted by David consulting Engineers – Contracted by the Road Authority 2018
  3. Environmental  & Social Impact Assessment  and Resettlement Action Plan for the Construction of Nzaleka to Ntchisi and Malomo Road, Subcontracted by David consulting Engineers – Contracted by the Road Authority 2018
  4. Environmental Baseline Study and Scoping for the MOATIZE Coal Mine Project Mozambique: EIA for the Railway Line from Tete to Maleule – Malawi. 2005 to 2006
  5. Environment and Social Impact Assessment of the Old Lilongwe Airport to Santhe Road. Main outputs, EIA report, RAP, SIA report, 2010 to 2012
  6. Environmental Review of the Detailed Design of Upgraded Kamuzu Barrage. 2010 to 2011
  7. Environmental Impact Assessment of the Road By-Passes for the Cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe. 2007
  8. Environmental Management Plan for the Upgrading of Bunda to Mitundu Road. Lilongwe. 2006
  9. EIA of the M1 Masasa-Golomoti-Monkey Bay, Road Project, Malawi.  2005
  10. Environmental Assessment of the Repair and Resealing of the Mangochi to Monkey Bay Road. Malawi.  1999
  11. Environmental Assessment of the Malawi Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program and. Ministry of Works and Supplies, Lilongwe. Worked in Conjunction with SMEC consulting firm of Australia. 1998
  12. Production of Draft Road Sector Specific Guidelines. Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program. Subcontracted by SMEC consulting firm of Australia. 1998
  1. Parliamentary Training Programme: Training Members of Parliament on Environment and Development. 2003
  2. In conjunction with Millennium Consulting Group, developed an EIA Training Manual for the Department of Environmental Affairs. 1997
  3. Course Coordinator for EIA at University of Malawi, Chancellor College 2005 to date
  5. Curriculum formulation and Review
  1. EIA of the Small Farms Irrigation Project (SFIP): Mangochi (Samama) & Nkhata Bay (Lweya) Districts, Malawi. Funded by BADEA. 2004 to 2005
  2. In conjunction with Millennium Consulting Group  conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the Community Based Rural Land Development Project (resettlement of people from Thyolo and Mulanje to Machinga and Mangochi districts). Malawi Rural Land Resources Development). 2002
  3. EIA for the Malawi Flood Emergency Recovery Project (MFERP): Location: Zomba, Machinga, Balaka, Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Blantyre, Thyolo districts Irrigation schemes 2017
  1. Environmental Screening of the Infrastructure Services Project: Electricity Component. Department of Economic Planning.  Funded by World Bank. 2008
  2. EIA of the 5 Star Pumulani EcoLodge at Kasankha Bay along Lake Malawi.  2005
  3. EIA for Chileka Airport Re-development Project. 2000
  4. ESIA of the Confined Field Trial of Black Fly (Simulium damnosum ) Larviciding using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis in Zomba district. 2008 to 2009
  1. Consultancy Services for Preparation of Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans and Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for the Rehabilitation and Expansion of Kauma Sewerage Treatment Plant and Sewerage Network. Funded by World Bank. 2019-2020
  2. Water quality in Lilongwe City (2018)
  3. Water quality in Bangwe, Blantyre City (2018)
  4. Environmental and Social Analysis of the consequences of water shortage for the Shire Valley Irrigation Project and Hydropower Generation,  2012
  5. Scoping of Environmental Issues for the EIA for the Malawi National Water Resources Development Study. Sub-Contracted by NORCONSULT of Norway. 2000
  6. Scoping of Environmental Issues for the EIA for the Shire River Flow Augmentation Project in Malawi. Sub-Contracted by NORPLAN of Norway. 2000
  7. Environmental Assessment of the Shire River Management Project.  1996
  1. Oil and gas exploration in Malawi (from 1997)
  2. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Dzonze Small-scale Iron Ore Project, 2014
  3. Songwe Rare Earth Exploration Preliminary Ecological and Baseline Survey on Mzongwe Hill in Phalombe, Malawi. Working with Digby Wells International 2013
  4. Environmental & Social Impact Assessment on Songwe Rare Earth Element Mining Project 2018
  1. Contributed to production of the National Environmental Policy 1996
  2. Contributed towards production of the Mineral Policy of Malawi (2012)
  3. Co-author of the Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Malawi (1997)
  4. Technical Review of UNDP Support to the Environment Sector  in Malawi 2005 to 2006
  5. Gender and Social Analysis of Natural Resources Management (water, forests, fisheries, wildlife resources) in communities surrounding Mkulumadzi; Lisungwi; and Mwanza Rivers. 2004 to 2006
  6. Contributed towards Baseline Data for Designation of Lake Chilwa as a RAMSAR site. 2003
  7. Contributed towards designation of Lake Chilwa as a Man and Biosphere Reserve.  Supported by UNESCO- Malawi. 2006
  8. Country Study on Ecosystems of Malawi: Implementation of the Biodiversity Convention. 1996
  9. Country Studies management Team on Impact Of Climate Change Country Study on the impact of climate change on Forests of Malawi. Vulnerability and adaptation component. 1996
  10. Scoping environmental issues to be considered in the EIA during detailed feasibility study of the Mulanje Mountain Bauxite Mining. 1993


The Executive Director, Associate Professor Leonard Kalindekafe an experienced Geologist and Disaster Risk Management Expert with proven national and international experience. The Managing Director, Mrs Meya Patricia Kalindekafe is an active member in environmental issues in Malawi and at regional level. ENVIROCONSULT makes extensive use of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach. Our project teams consist of experts drawn from various biological, physical and socio-economic fields, representing a working environment that is truly multidisciplinary. All consultants and trainers have a minimum of a Masters Degree in appropriate fields. Curriculum Vitae and samples of previous work can be made available to prospective clients upon request.

profiles of the Directors

Associate Professor Leonard Kalindekafe is the Executive Director of ENVIROCONSULT and responsible for management of projects.  Leonard is also an Associate Professor in Geology.  His qualification include a PhD in Mineral Law and Policy (2007)) from the University of Dundee, Scotland, Master of Science (Geology) from a Joint program between the University of Malawi and Saskatchewan- Canada (1992). He also has a Bachelor of Science-GEOLOGY (with credit) from the University of Malawi, Chancellor College (1986). Dr Kalindekafe was in civil service from 1986 to 2015. After that he joined Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) as the first Executive Dean of the Ndata School of Climate and Earth Sciences. During his tenure at MUST he established four Departments namely: Earth Sciences, Climate Sciences, Water Resources Management and Energy Resources Management. As Executive Dean, Leonard was the TECHNICAL and ADMINISTRATIVE Manager of the School.  He also supervised Masters Students in entrepreneurship and innovation. His teaching subjects were climate change and disaster risk management-related modules. These are: INTRODUCTION TO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT (IDRM 210); HAZARDS and DISASTERS 1 (HAD1-211; AND HAZARDS and DISASTERS 11 (HAD1-222).

Leonard’s recent DRM –RELATED PROJECTS which he has spearheaded include; Lilongwe city flood mapping (2018), Flood modelling in Salima district, Funded by UNICEF, 2018-2019; Consultancy to develop and deliver three tailor-made courses on disaster risk management-Funded by UNDP through DODMA, 2018-2019; Consultancy to develop and deliver tailor-made courses on disaster risk management-Funded by the WORLD BANK, 2018-2019; Vulnerability & resilience of KARONGA floods; Vulnerability & resilience CHIKWAWA district (2018); Lightning fatalities in MALAWI (2018); Indigenous knowledge in flooding, LOWER SHIRE area (2018). He also taught geology especially geological mapping, GIS and Remote Sensing, mineral exploration, mineral economics, geochemistry etc at the University of Malawi. He also supervised Masters Students in various topics. Apart from academic work, Leonard has carried out a number of consultancies in the field of mining in countries such as Oman, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Equatorial Guinea

Mrs. Meya Kalindekafe is Managing Director of ENVIROCONSULT, Ecologist and ESIA expert. Meya is a Senior Ecologist who   holds a Bachelor of Science degree with Credit from the University of Malawi (1987) and a Masters in Ecology from the University of Wales, Bangor (UK, 1990). She also holds various postgraduate certificates including GIS, International Environmental Management, Watershed & Wetland management, Hazardous Waste Management, Gender Analysis in Natural Resource Management and Ozone Biomonitoring. She teaches General Ecology, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management. From 2003 to 2006 she taught Environment and Development to Malawi Members of Parliament.  Her research interests include: ecosystems functioning, environmental assessment, vermiculture ecotechnology, Biology and Ecology of coastal areas and littoral zones (ecotones), Impact of HIV/AIDS on the Environment and Climate Change impact on Biological systems. She co-authored the first Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Malawi, and has contributed towards EIA capacity building by training more 200 mid-career environmental Managers in Malawi and close to 1000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. Meya is also an environmental consultant specializing in ESIA.

Her  notable ESIA assignments include, National Water Development Program, Shire River Flow Augmentation Project, Stabilization of the Course of Songwe River, Rehabilitation of Chileka Airport, Malida and Maone Industrial Parks, Rehabilitation of Mangochi-Monkey Road, Community Based Rural Land Development Project, Small Farms Irrigation Project,  Moatize Coal Mine Railway Project, Electricity component of the Infrastructure Services Project in Malawi, Road By-Pass Project for the cities of Blantyre & Lilongwe, Upgrading of Bunda to Mitundu Road, M1 Masasa-Golomoti-Monkey Bay road project, Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program &  Construction of the Pulumulani Lodge in Mangochi.  She also carried out a technical review of UNDP support to the environment sector in Malawi. She has recently completed EIAs of the proposed FUFU and MPATAMANGA Hydropower projects, EIA of the 400kv Transmission Line from Nkhoma in Lilongwe to Karonga and Mchinji, Likuni to Malingunde Road and Nzaleka-Ntchisi to Malomo road and Rehabilitation of irrigation schemes in the southern region of Malawi.

Currently she is leading the ESIA on Mining of Rare Earth Minerals, Oil & Gas Seismic Survey and Production of a book for Vale Logistics Limited and Central and East African Railways (CEAR) on Trees and Animals of the Nacala Corridor. She is the first Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Women in Science and Technology Network (WISTNET) in Malawi and Zomba Tourism Association.  She is also a FELLOW of Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD). She is a Full member of the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) Other key positions held in the past include: Head of Biology Department, Coordinator for Masters of Environmental Science Program, Deputy Dean of Science, Country Director of the African Conservation Trust,  Country Representative of African Conservation Foundation and Chairperson of the Parents & Teachers Association of St Mary’s Girls Secondary School, Trustee of the Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programme (RESCOPE) in Malawi and Task Team Leader of the study on Impact of Air Pollution on Natural Ecosystems in Southern Africa under the Air Pollution In Africa Network (APINA). She also participated in development of the National Environmental Action Plan, Climate Change studies and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. In her private time, she manages her businesses at Mandevu Integrated Farm and Aquaculture Centre. As such she is the ideal manager for this proposed project.